In-Kind Donations
CEAP is accepting donations of food, hygiene products, and more!
What we need: CEAP is in need of everyday non-perishable food and household items. Think of your favorite meal ingredients, the spices you cook with all the time, and the things you need to keep your home clean and comfortable. If you have questions about what we can accept, please reach out to us at 763-450-3663.
Things CEAP cannot use: CEAP cannot accept frozen or refrigerated foods due to food safety concerns. We cannot accept expired (past their sell-by or best-by date) or opened food items.
You can make your donation during CEAP's open hours, which are Monday-Thursday 8am to 4:30pm and Friday 8am-1pm. Please drive your vehicle up to our food shelf drive-through and park. A volunteer will come out shortly to collect your donation!
Thinking about how to make an even bigger impact? You can host a drive in your neighborhood, workplace, place of worship, or another group!